POPSOP: лучшее в мире дизайна за прошедшие 2 недели

Дата публикации: 03.12.2013

Портал POPSOP.COM оценил брендинговое агентство Depot WPF как одно из "17 замечательных брендинговых и дизайн агентств" и включил сразу 4 наших проекта (Круазетт, Heinz, Papa Care и Бондюэль) в подборку лучшего дизайна упаковки прошедших двух недель.

22 latest design projects from 17 brilliant brand and design agencies—all have been published today for your attention.

This month leading independent Russian branding agency Depot WPF has completed four design projects for different clients: Cruazett, Heinz, Papa Care and Bonduelle.

The first work is a new sophisticated packaging for the crisp bread brand Croisette.

Pic.: Kruazett, new package design

Pic.: Croisette, new package design

Another project is a festive package design for Heinz ketchups for the Russian market. The packaging features a background image with Victorian typography on a craft paper to enhance the quality and heritage cues associated with the brand.

132_1_Heinz_old new

Pic.: new festive packaging design for Heinz

Pic.: new festive packaging design for Heinz

Papa Care is a new brand of the Russian baby care manufacturer Bioguard. The idea behind the brand is based on the insight that fathers as much as mothers should be involved in an everyday care of their new baby.


Pic.: new brand of baby care products, Papa Care

Pic.: The new brand of baby care products, Papa Care

Depot WPF’s latest work is the package design for a new Bonduelle range of steamed vegetables that preserve fresh taste and vitamins.


Pic.: Bonduelle, new range of steamed vegetables

Pic.: Bonduelle, a new range of steamed vegetables

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